Tuesday, January 25, 2011

fishball nodle sup ice room tebaek !

minggu lepas ade terbace dlm majalah rasa pasal this cafe..ice room namenye. melayu punye rupenye..hmm hari2 lalu kt bangi... soo lepas pegi klinik last 3-4 days...singgah utk mengetest...kalo pass bule dtg lagi hihihiih

manggo smootie... yummy...

manggo pamelo..sangat sangt sedap....sngt cruncy

hubby makan famouse nasik goreng..ayep nasi goreng kampong

famous nasi goreng..sedappp

nasi goreng kg for ayep.. dapp katenye :p


tadaaaa...mine was superb! i realyy love the taste of this nodle sup.kompem datang lagi...

fries for ayep

see.. hahah abis kuah aku sedutt dooo... hahahaha :P

ni pon same tp bukan aku la..my hubby memang fanatik aiskerimm

tersandarrr hahaha

demam selsema

now u see it... now u dont! hahah

alhamdulillahh...sngt sedapp..sesuai gn selera tekak kami... :)

main masak masak.. sheperd pai :)

bahan2 nya : minced meat ( am using chicken), mix vege,baked beans..bawang besar separuh labu, seulas bawang putih, tomato potong dadu.. sayuran ni terpulan nk letak apa.. ade org letak carot,brokoli,mushroom..terpulang pd selera masing ok :)

mix vege n baked beans ( 1 tin kecik).. aku malas nk potong sayur, thats y pilih mix vege aje :p

b4 that, rebus kentang ( dlm 1kg) smpai empuk + garam sikit... smpai betul2 empuk..senang nk lenyek nanti

cara : tumis bawang putih+bawang merah, garing masukan mince meat n vege..kalo kering masukkan air rebusan kentang tadi sikit..kemudian masukkan tomato, serbuk lada hitam,baked beans,stok/kiub ayam/daging..biar smpai mendidih...kemudian wat bancuhan tepung jagung dlm setengah sudu besar gitu..gaul2 siap! :)

saje je aku cari bekas kecik2 ni..buleh pakai bekas besar2 terpulang...
untuk kentang : lepas sejukkan lenyek bersama setengah cawan susu segar+serbuk lada sulah+butter.. tadi aku tkder lada sulah jadi aku letak serbuk lada itam jugak..hentam sajalaa hihihi

in a cup , lapisan bawah sekali masukkan lapisan kentang, kmudian inti tadi, n atas sekali seal with potato...in the oven for 30minutes,suhu 200

sepatutnye...letak parsli ..tp again tk de daun parsli..aku letak daun sup...hentam jelaa..janji buleh makann :)

yeay.. bapakku yg demam makan smpai 3..atas katil lagi hahah

seminit licinn.. kene tunggu next tgh bakar

buat lagii

2nd batch :)

dapp kate ayep hehe

ok dah... tu aje

Thursday, January 20, 2011

i'll be missing u :)

spring clean the house -> found this pic...oh i miss u soo much dear sis..

Deep in my heart, I'm suffering, knowing that I've lost you..On the outside, I'm living, pretending that I've forgotten you ..You may be out of my sight... but never out of my mind... I miss u soo soo much.. al fatihah :(

n also found this cute pic... from left anim-arwah anis-sara... 3 kiddos thats realy made my day... this pic was taken 4 years back..on my wedding day... dear anis, moksu poksu n ayep miss u so much.. al fatihah

yela cik,aku update le nie :p

:P sista..aku bz le...enggak sempat dong mahu mengapdet ini belog hahaha....kemas tu kemas nie... all goes into the box :p hiihih... n tgk le ape si ayep ni buat .... mentangler wordrobe dh kosong ( separuh )..ade lagi nie... dia wat cm gimnastik lak.. ihihih

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


hmm oleh kerana ruangan sembang corner or shoutbox sebelah tuu banyak noo viruss..aku dh remove .. bye :P

:) ngee thee heheh

xcited :) tadi pegi teet... tgk progress teeet... amek gmbarr teeet... n lots of things in my mind now nak dibuat utk teett.. yippiieeeee :)

apakah teeett ? tungggu ihihi :P

Thursday, January 6, 2011

quotes of the day :(

Tired of trying,Sick of crying,Yeah I'm smiling, but inside I'm dying.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy 59th Birtday!

epy beday toki

So many wonderful moments we have spent together. So many wonderful years in all kinds of weather.Thinking of u father brings memories to mind. Wonderful moments i ll treasure.These u give me sincerely that's why my dad.I love u so dearly :)

Daddy, I love you. For all that you do. I'll kiss you and hug you. BeCause you love me, too.You feed me and need me.To teach you to play so smile because I love you... Happy Birthday Dad

For all those times, we left it unsaid...Thank You.Thanks for being there for us...For showing us the way.....For being patient with us even when wemade it difficut for you...For believing in us and encouraging us to dream...And being such an inspiring presence.In our life.

bersama tersayang :)

nti besar arif jaga umi gn walid tau...

besar jadi hafiz al quran ok..nti umi walid antar arif belajar kat madinah :) amin amin ya rabbal alamin..

vroommm vrrommm :)

hmm lambatla walid nie...buat ape ntah kt bank..jom umi kite jalan2

aiseyy sekali sekalee kuar muke tuan kemah ... haha :P

D one steak anyone ?

jom mamam .. hari sabtu yg boring.. abah mak tkder di rumah..ade dinner... utih yaya n others keluar... kt rumah tingal berapa kerat je... lapauuuu huuh jom kite diner luar jugak laa :P

tk sabar nk mamammm :)

posing tetap di mana2 ihih

arif's angel.. kak saraa :)

my nephew... aj arwah angah's son

alan si penyakat pembuli dan segalanya :p

sebelum mamam alas baju duluu..elehh pakai bib pon baju tetapp kotorr haha :p

seafood sziling kot.. ni sarah punyee..

air bermacam2 kaler.. ade tembikai ..honey dew..durian belanda.. aishh sedapp.... durian belanda no ice for me n arif.. sangat sedappppppppppp :)

ntah pinggan sape niee :)

setelah selesai sesi membaham makanan ahhaha...

ni lagi...adehhh

tgk tuu abg alan.... sukeeee kacau ayep tau..babap niee :p

my hubby makan lamb chop

ni aj kot.. mix steak..ade udang...kambing ayam ..seme ade..dh name pon mix :)

:) lame tk bergambar beduaa ihihihih :p

cilok dr blog zue :) hihihi jgn mara aaa nyahh

ni lagi satuu i curik hiihihi :P

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